Post Padding

  • Sale
  • $ 300

Post padding is a made of high quality material, also know as Tuff Pad. These pads for posts are a durable, safety-conscious foam pole padding solution. They are often used as pole padding for indoor playgrounds, topping chain link fences at baseball fields, installed as protective pole padding for trampolines or used as bumpers to ensure safety. Post Padding is sold by the case (20 Pieces) comes in a variety of colors.

 Post Padding Overview

  • Per case:  20 pieces
  • Unit Length: 8' (96")
  • Inside Diameter: 2.125"
  • Wall thickness: 3/4"
  • Outside Diameter: 3-5/8"
  • Core:  Open cell foam
  • Outer Shell:  Vinyl is an official source for Tuff Pad, (Post Padding), made by Armacell. Through a patented cross-head extrusion process, the first of its kind, Armacell extrudes both the interior foam and its rugged exterior. Post Padding simplifies installation by eliminating the need for vinyl wrapping, providing visual appeal durability in post padding and pole padding.